Resep Khas Ogura cake hias fondant Murah

Resep Pilihan Kue Bolu

Ogura cake hias fondant. Yang doyan makan cake yang teksturnya lembut pasti suka dengan ogura. Cara ovennya supaya tetap terjaga kelembabannya yang artinya kadar airnya tetap. Fondant-covered cakes have a smooth, professional look that's easy to achieve.

Ogura cake hias fondant
Chiffon cakes are not sponge cakes. It follows then that the ogura cake should not be anything like a sponge cake, but light and airy with a texture that melts in your mouth. This is not a cake that lends itself to layering or excessive amounts of icing.
Kamu dapat membuat Ogura cake hias fondant menggunakan 12 bahan dan 9 langkah. Pelajari cara memasak Ogura cake hias fondant yang praktis.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan memasak Ogura cake hias fondant :

It is delicate and beautiful all on its own. It has a mild vanilla flavor. Mix butter, sweetened condensed milk, confectioners' sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until fondant has the consistency of modeling clay. Fondant icing, also commonly referred to simply as fondant (/ˈfΙ’ndΙ™nt/, from the French: [fΙ”ΜƒdΙ‘Μƒ] listen ), is an icing used to decorate or sculpt cakes and pastries.

Cara memasak Ogura cake hias fondant

  1. Siapkan bahan, Aduk semua bahan A pakai wisk sampai rata.
  2. Kocok putih telur+garam+cream of tartar sampai berbusa, masukan gula 3tahap, kocok sampai soft peak.
  3. Masukan putih telur ke adonan A sedikit2 lalu aduk spatula dengan teknik aduk balik, aduk sampai rata.
  4. Tuang kedalam loyang yang sudah di alasi kertas baking.
  5. Panggang kurleb 50menit dengan teknik au bain marie, atau loyang di alasi lagi dengan loyang agak besar lalu diberi air kurleb 1cm.
  6. Setelah matang angkat. Jangan lupa tes tusuk, dinginkan.
  7. Aku hias dengan fondant.
  8. Sicantik langsung ga sabaran colek2πŸ˜²πŸ˜πŸ˜„.
  9. Selamat mencoba ya....

It is made from sugar, water, gelatin, vegetable fat or shortening, and glycerol. Ajouter Γ  mes carnets. la recette Mug cake fondant au chocolat. Due to the increase of baking and cake-related television shows, fondant cakes enjoy more popularity today than ever before. Such programs as "Cake Boss," "Ace of Cakes" and "The Martha Stewart Show" frequently feature complicated cake designs that have been. Ogura cake sekarang sedang tren di dunia baking.